Flickr 확장 페이지 참조
<flickr>10166966696| frame | center | small|테스트</flickr>
<flickr>10166966696| frame |center|m|테스트</flickr>
Basic Usage [1]
Usage is basically as follows : <flickr>{photoid}|{type}|{location}|{size}|{caption}</flickr> Where:
- {photoid} is the Flickr photo ID. This is the only compulsory parameter. All others are optional and will be detected automatically. Anything which isn't detected as on another parameter will be classified as part of the caption.
- {type} is the image type as per this page (so 'thumb' / 'thumbnail' or 'frame' or nothing). Defaults to nothing.
- "thumbnail" or "thumb": If a caption is written, it is shown below the image. Image defaults to placement on the 'right' unless overridden with the 'Location' attribute (see above).
- "frame": If a caption is written, it is shown below the image.
- (nothing specified): Original image size is preserved, no border is added around the image. If a caption is written, it is not shown
- {location} is the location as per this page (so 'right', 'left', 'center' or 'none'). Defaults to 'right'.
- "right": Image including its box is placed on the right side of the page. The article text that follows the image flows around the image.
- "left": Image including its box is placed on the left side of the page. The article text that follows the image flows around the image.
- "center": Image including its box is placed in the center of the page. The article text that follows the image is placed below the image.
- "none": Image including its box is placed on the left side of the page. The article text that follows the image is placed below the image.
- {size} is the size as per this page. Defaults to medium.
- "s": A small square, size 75x75 pixels
- "t": Thumbnail, 100 pixels on the longest side
- "m": Small, 240 pixels on the longest side
- "-": Medium, 500 pixels on the longest side
- "b": Large, 1024 pixels on the longest side (N.B. this option only exists for large original images)
- {caption} is an image title. If left blank or not set then defaults to title of image from Flickr.